OUR WISH LIST METAL OR PLASTIC CRATES - (ALL SIZES) SPECK'S, AMAZON, RURAL KING & WAL-MART GIFT CARDS DOG COLLARS & LEASHES FRONTLINE, HEARTGAURD, SIMPARICA, &/OR SIMPARICA TRIO MEDICINES (All Weights - DOG OR CAT) MONETARY DONATIONS TO USE TOWARDS MEDICAL COSTS & FOOD FOR FOSTERS MAIL DONATIONS TO: CARE PO BOX 1234 COLUMBUS, IN 47202-1234 or for drop off of crates or meds email: ColumbusCare@gmail.com Looking for other ways to help CARE? You can donate to CARE through PayPal, even if you don't already have a PayPal account! We welcome any donations of any size!
Make a purchase from Zazzle, and CARE will receive a portion of the proceeds! To date, SNAP has benefited from a whopping $33,650 in Pet Friendly License Plate sales! Visit http://www.spayneuterservices.org Do you have your plate yet? |
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