Animal Success Stories

These are just a few of our successful adoptions...

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I wanted to give you an update on Candi (we changed her name to Andi). I'm attaching some photos of her and her with Bud, my other Jack Russell. She's been a great dog. It's been interesting to try and decipher her quirks. . .why she does some of the things she does. I'm guessing she came from a home with kids. Although she's coming out of it, for the longest time she would crouch when you tried to pick her up or pet her. I'm guessing maybe a little more hand contact than she really wanted at her former owners. She's coming out of that and will now approach and "ask" for attention. I made a switch to a holistic food (Nutro) and the difference in her skin and coat is amazing. It took about 3 weeks, but her coat is soft now and her skin no longer red and rashy. I'm still working on her weight issue. She weighed 22 pounds when I got her and she's down to about 19 now. the vet says she could lose another 3 and be just about right. The dogs play well together. She's been great for Bud and teases and plays with him. . .which is what he needed. Just wanted to give you an update. I'm so happy I adopted her. I can't imagine not having her as part of day to day life now. Hope you've had many other successes since last we spoke. Sincerely, Dan Kraner