Animal Success Stories

These are just a few of our successful adoptions...

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

We thought you would like to have an update on Chip, (formerly, Callie). Chip is loving life with us. We take her on three half-hour walks a day---rain or shine. She loves it! The first week Chip was with us, we taught her how to walk with us and not choke herself by pulling on the leash. She took to it in one afternoon, and has been walking like a pro ever since. We recently entered Chip into a Cutest Pet contest at our apartment complex, and she won: a gift card and bragging rights for life! It seems everywhere we take Chip, someone recognizes her. Even when we are at the grocery store, someone will stop us and ask how Chip is doing. She is very popular! One woman commented to us, "I can recognize all the dogs around here, but Chip's the only one I really remember." When we took her to her vet visit the first week, the vet commented on two outstanding traits: Her muscle tone and her beautiful shiny coat. And we all got a kick out of Chip's little idiosyncrasy of walking on her back legs---the never-ending try to reach the cookies on the counter. Chip's favorite part of the day is definitely when Brandon comes home from work: She runs to the front door from outside to greet him and they play fetch and wrestle and go for a very long walk down to the park together while Mandy makes dinner. She cuddles with us all evening on the couch, if she's not curled up in her doggie bed. We recently discovered that Chip loves the water. I don't think she'd ever seen a creek before, let alone waded around in it. True to her personality, she didn't hesitate to charge right in a nearby park creek, trying to smell the water, and snuffing to get the water out of her nose. It took a little getting used to: she tried to bite it, and then when that didn't work, she sat down and took a tinkle in it. But every time we come near a gentle pond or a creek, Chip wants nothing more than to go bounding and splashing in. Mandy loves having Chip with her throughout the day. Since she works from home, Chip is rarely left alone and always has a playmate to turn to when a nap in the sunshine or chasing after robins has lost its charm. This picture is Chip's "Oh, hi Mom, this is awkward; I know I'm not supposed to be sleeping on the bed" face. We love our little rascal! We are so thankful for Chip, and so thankful we found her on! We hope you enjoyed this little update.